Done with Fall quarter
RS_II, Dec 11 2009
Undergrad is no joke -______________________-;;;
slept in until 3:30 pm today good life yo
poker bankroll: $35
I am too busy to really commit myself to managing a bankroll any bigger than $1,500 right now...
Poker is not a good resource to use as a way to relax when I need breaks from school... That's how tilt happens ;;;
Starcraft is perfect for a case like that. GL to all, I'm going to enjoy my winter break.
SHIP the news to the rest of my life
RS_II, Apr 22 2009

also got accepted to SDSU, after working part-time and going to community college for 4 years...
will definitely be attending UCSD no matter what the cost... here goes the tiny roll, fml
I will be transferring over as a poli sci major.
I think this is a good start to a new blog, even though it has nothing to do with poker.
/bump nolan